Finding local minima and maxima of a graph

Peter Brigham MD pmbrig at
Sat Dec 4 13:47:40 EST 2010

Do you have access to the data the graphs are based on? Or are you  
talking about trying to analyze the shape of a curve (bitmapped or  
otherwise)? The two problems will have quite different approaches.

-- Peter

Peter M. Brigham
pmbrig at

On Dec 4, 2010, at 12:56 PM, Bryan McCormick wrote:

> I have a very large number of graphs to crunch through to find local  
> minima and maxima. The data is regularly spaced, which eliminated  
> one problem. I know too that the window value used has to be an  
> adjustable variable as peak and trough significance may need to be  
> found for a wide range of time periods within the data set.
> I had thought of using a moving average to find a slope of zero and  
> then use an offset function to find the peak and trough in time.
> I've used stackoverflow to have a look and apparently the problem is  
> a lot less trivial than I thought.
> Any suggestions for fitting to a function, using the graphing  
> functions in rev, etc would be most welcome.
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