[ANN] revIgniter v1.3.9b released

David Bovill david at vaudevillecourt.tv
Thu Dec 2 04:27:15 EST 2010

Hi Ralf, I'm scheduling a few talks and interviews with open source projects
in LiveCode to be released in a forthcoming publication. Would you be
interested in showing off revigniter and taking part in a short interview
about the project. The material would be released under a Creative Commons
license - so you'd be able to use it how you want on your own site?

I'd also like to talk again if possible about the license, as part of the
project we are compiling and documenting a set of open source tools in
LiveCode. We've settled on two licences that we can accept at this stage for
the project - the permissive MIT (also known as X11)
and the GPL Afero v3.

The aim is to make it easy, clear and robust for code from different
projects to be combined. This is only possible if the licenses allow this -
and here the simplest way to do this is to ensure that the licenses are GPL

It would be good to talk about this and see if you can use a compatible
license for revIgniter. If that were possible I'd like to start hosting
revIgniter on a dedicated private server. We are getting the server up at
the moment and it will be running the latest version of revServer, and it
would be great to use revIgniter for the main application server.

NB - this is a community project, and not a RunRev project, no one is
getting paid to work on this by RunRev, and membership to the project is
open to any member of the community. RunRev have endorsed the project and
will be supporting us by giving some prizes and so forth that we can offer
to members, but that is it at this stage. Members will have full democratic
rights to how the project is run - as in a community owned coding coop.

Any chance of a Skype?

On 30 July 2010 13:44, Ralf Bitter <rabit at dimensionb.de> wrote:

> Fixed two bugs related to form validation.
> Info and download at: http://revigniter.com/

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