OT Exporting movie clip to stills

Ian Wood revlist at azurevision.co.uk
Thu Apr 29 15:49:49 EDT 2010

On 28 Apr 2010, at 17:16, Mark Swindell wrote:

> I own Quicktime Pro.  I don't see this feature in it.  Can you point  
> me to how to achieve this as a batch function in QT Pro?

Again, in case you missed this reply the first time around. This  
functionality is built in to QT Pro.


On 28 Apr 2010, at 17:52, Ian Wood wrote:

> 1. QuickTime Pro. Export..., Movie to Image Sequence will do roughly  
> what you want.
> 2. Remember that a video file is a series of discrete frames. Making  
> a selection and then exporting an image sequence with an arbitrary  
> number of frames or arbitrary framerate is a recipe for a mess...
> Ian

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