Mac Scrolling

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Tue Apr 20 19:16:43 EDT 2010

Graham & Heather Harrison wrote:

> With scroll bars in Mac OS, the rev implementation is to double-click
> in the channel (rather than Mac standard of single-click). I have
> seen a full custom implementation which uses single-click, but I
> don't want to go that far for every scrollbar.

If you need to double-click then I think there must be a script 
interfering. Rev uses standard click behaviors by default.

> Also the scroll only advances a fixed distance, even though my system
> is set to "Go to here". This is intriguing because that is an easily
> set parameter in Mac OS. Rev happily implements two arrows at either
> end, which on the Mac has to be reached by subterfuge.

You may have to script the "go to here" part, since scrollbars by 
default use the pageinc property to determine how far to scroll. They 
should use the system setting for arrows though, which in my case is to 
show double arrows at the bottom. Not sure what you mean by two arrows 
at either end.

If you have an example of misbehaving scrollbars, we can take a look and 
maybe figure out why you're getting non-standard behaviors.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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