RunRev and Alcoholics Anonymous.

François Chaplais francois.chaplais at
Fri Apr 16 16:39:53 EDT 2010

I have CrossOver for Mac, which lies atop of WINE. They have "bottles" which are specially crafted implemented versions of WINE in order to make the software run as well as possible... It took me some time to get the pun, as I have stopped drinking alcohol for quite a few years now.

Le 16 avr. 2010 à 21:07, Richmond Mathewson a écrit :

> Thought I would try to be clever and install
> the Windows version of RevStudio 4.0 on
> Ubuntu 10.04 Beta 2 under WINE . . .  :)
> No Joy!
> Black screen and "that was that".
> Anybody else tried?
> _______________________________________________

nope, not yet. I am not very tempted, as I prefer the much more secure (and reliable) solution of a virtual machine.


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