How to make print card work in Linux: solved

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Thu Apr 15 12:14:39 EDT 2010

Peter Alcibiades wrote:

> Instead what you do is start from whatever startup stack you are using to 
> launch, or start up the compiled app.  Then do the print.  Make a note of 
> the settings. Then close the stack, open it in the IDE, modify the 
> settings, recompile if need be, close down Rev, start up from the startup 
> stack or the compiled app, print again, make a note of the settings.

Can't you just use "Suspend development tools" in the Development menu? 
That's supposed to do the same thing. It removes the IDE.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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