Replace command

David Coker davidocoker at
Wed Apr 14 09:46:45 EDT 2010

Howdy folks!
This is just to follow up with a gigantic THANK YOU! to all who have
replied to my message...

After 2-3 days now of working with the wordOffset function and a lot
of head scratching to figure out how to implement it into my code
properly, I finally found the perfect combination this morning. :-)

I ended up building a test stack that represents all of the different
combination's of data that I'm working with and it now looks to be a
complete success. (believe me that I had some very serious doubts for

I should be able to work the sample code into my application this
afternoon and move on to the finish line with this little baby.

Again, thank you very much for the great help and patience where required!

Best regards,
David C.

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