[ANN] WeCode Libraries: An easy way to share code over the network (our rubygem thing)

Andre Garzia andre at andregarzia.com
Fri Apr 2 03:46:17 EDT 2010

Hello Folks,

Its been a productive night in here and I am proud to present WeCode
Libraries. I've always been somewhat ashamed that unlike Ruby, Perl, Lisp
coders out there, we didn't had some nice and simple way of loading
libraries over the network, a central repository like CPAN. Yes we have
RevOnline, but it doesn't make it easy or automatic to load a library, so I
decided to fill the void.



It is an IDE plugin and a Library in the same stack. As a plugin it allows
you to register a library with our system, basically you inform login
details, library details (which URL it is located for example), library
dependencies and the like. After you add the library, it is instantly
available for all other RevTalk developers using this library.

As a library it provides two commands. One loads a library and its
dependencies over the network, the other command does the exact same thing
but also saves it to a file in your HD so that other attempts to load the
library will load from HD and not the network. Libraries are saved in a very
organized way.

The system can handle multiple versions of a library, multiple libraries per
author and multiple libraries dependencies.


After putting the WeCode Library stack into use, just do like:

  wcRequire "soapdog/vobjectlib/1.0"

Which will load vObjectLib version 1.0 by SoapDog along with all it's
dependencies. If you want to install it to your HD, do like:

  wcRequireAndInstall "soapdog/vobjectlib/1.0"

ATTENTION: WeCode Libraries is not hosting your library, we just record
metadata, so when you load a remote library, it gets the URL from where it
is available and load from there. Check the lessons on the site.


Well, the system is pretty usable as it is. I though about bulk adding all
the libraries I know of but then, I want each author to do it under their
own account, it helps to stay organized. Later I will add a way to browse
the library collection using the web. Right now, you need to know what you
want to load. The format is always the same, it is

This was created on a single night but I think it is a good thing. I'd
appreciate feedback.

Cheers and Have Fun

http://www.andregarzia.com All We Do Is Code.

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