StandAlone - where is the stack window?

Mike Arnold ma at
Mon Sep 28 22:13:28 EDT 2009

Ok, finally back at Revolution, glad to be back, it really is fun.   
Using Revolution Enterprise 4.0.0-dp-4 Build 910 on Max OS/X 10.5.8,  

Writing a little app to produce a Eudora -ike Filter Report for Apple  
Mail.  I hate to give up Eudora, but Apple is adding more and more  
native, integrated function and Eudora proper is no more and becoming  
more incompatible. Growl doesn't quite do what I want.

When mail is acted on via a rule, it invokes an applescript that sends  
a message to the stack that indicates the destination mailbox.  The  
stack has a script that wakes up every 20 seconds to check if its been  
at least 20 seconds since the last message was filtered and if there  
are any updated mailboxes.

This all works fine when under the development environment, but when I  
generate a standalone application, the window doesn't appear  
anywhere.  The application starts and has its application menu, but no  
stack window.

Only the stack script has any code ...  there are a few functions and  
message handlers (one called from applescript) and the following:

on startup
       wait for 20 seconds with messages
       CheckCounts      --decides if/when to print the list of  
affected mailboxes
    end repeat
end startup

Any ideas what I have done wrong?  Do I need to do something else to  
get the window to appear?

thanks in advance,

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