Challenge: to do something like this in a revlet.

François Chaplais francois.chaplais at
Thu Sep 24 16:03:38 EDT 2009

Le 24 sept. 09 à 19:36, Colin Holgate a écrit :

> On Sep 24, 2009, at 1:19 PM, François Chaplais wrote:
>> My second son (age 18) is a student in graphic communication. He  
>> is NOT a programmer. He is naturally aware of Flash and I have  
>> bought some books about Flash and ActionScript. The result is that  
>> he just cannot get it. It is too complicated (and, seemingly, too  
>> much timeline oriented).
> The majority of Flash "programmers" don't use the timeline at all.  
> A lot of designers who script in Flash may well use the timeline more.
> In comparing Flash and Rev, you would want to think about a  
> specific task, then it's easy to show how it might be done in one  
> tool versus the other. Trying to explain the entire difference in  
> philosophy is a bit harder.
Here is an example of what I would like to do online
a) user submits a sequence of numbers under text file format to revlet
b) revlet performs some digital filtering on the data (for instance:  
nested moving averages)
c) plots the output for each iteration

Another example which is slightly more complicated (you may skip):
a) user submits input and output data sequences
b) revlets computes a linear time invariant dynamical system that  
relates the input to the output, using several methods
c) revlet diagnoses accuracy and robustess of each computed model

I betcha it's simpler to do in revtalk (with or without externals)  
that in Flash. Most demos that I have seen online about the first of  
topic were in Java, not flash.
My question about externals is motivated by the fact that classical  
computing languages most probably handle numerical arrays better than  


P.S. I am waiting for a stable (and documented) release of revStudio  
4 to get involved into this....
P.P.S. I am also waiting for my macBook Pro to come back from repair  
(faulty NVIDIA card, it seems)

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