[ANN] tRev Feature Friday Video is up!

Jerry Daniels jerry.daniels at me.com
Fri Sep 18 11:19:24 EDT 2009

Three new features:

- Auto-complete within property (Raptor) handlers!
- Auto-complete custom properties within in any handler!
- Select Structure lets you find the beginning & end of any structure

Shortcut for Select Structure is command+(

The topic of folding control structures (or at least finding the  
beginning and end of an control structure) was discussed on this list  
here two days ago. Here it is today as a new feature in tRev.

Link to the video:


A new version of tRev with these features will be available as a  
component update later today. I have a little more testing to do.

I will let you know when I'm done testing, and you can get this  
update. Look for a post here, on our site or on Twitter.


Jerry Daniels
Watch tRev - The Movie

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