Line Breaks Dropped on Importing Unicode Text
Jim Ault
jimaultwins at
Fri Sep 4 06:14:23 EDT 2009
Why would the filename ever have any line endings?
On Sep 3, 2009, at 10:39 PM, Sivakatirswami wrote:
> I have some UTF-16 unicode raw text. If I import this into Pages, it
> displays the font correctly and also the line breaks between
> paragraphs correctly
> But if I use this function:
> on mouseUp
> answer file "Choose a unicode file to read in."
> if it is empty then exit mouseUp
> put "binfile:" & it into urlName
> replace numtochar(13) with numtochar(10) in urlName
> set the unicodeText of fld "display" to url urlName
> end mouseUp
> the line breaks are not appearing in the field in revolution.
Jim Ault
Las Vegas
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