Launch another app from my standalone

Adrian Williams adrian at
Thu Sep 3 02:42:25 EDT 2009


Mouse up calls stack script to remove installed font and return  
result. That already works.
When adding the FUNCTION code, the FUNCTION line keeps throwing up the  
I've followed all the advice everyone has given - I'm stumped.
- - -
on mouseUp
start using stack "My App"

    put "MyPrettyFont.ttf" into myList
    removeFonts myList
    put the result into rslt
    if rslt is not empty then
         answer information rslt
    end if

FUNCTION getPathToFile pFile
put the filename of this stack into the theFile
set the itemdelimiter to slash
put pFile into the last item of theFile
return theFile
end getPathToFile

--To use:
put getPathFile("My App.exe") into tFile
launch tFile

stop using stack "My App"  --(Ooops. Corrected literal 'May' here in  
my last message, this is not the problem)
end mouseUp
- - -
Does that help?

On 2 Sep 2009, at 18:26, Phil Davis wrote:

> So... maybe we should start at the beginning. The object in which  
> the error occurred is apparently named "OK". What does the code of  
> that object look like?
> Phil Davis
> Adrian Williams wrote:
>> Phil,
>> Already tried just 'end' - it gets the same error!
>> Adrian
>> On 2 Sep 2009, at 17:13, Phil Jimmieson wrote:
>>> Hi Adrian,
>>> at the end of the function definition, you only put "end" and the  
>>> name of the function - you don't include the parameter list.
>>> On 2 Sep 2009, at 17:10, Adrian Williams wrote:
>>>> Len or anyone else have an answer to this,
>>>> 'end FUNCTION' gives the error:
>>>> Handler: error in command
>>>> Object    OK
>>>> Line        FUNCTION getPathToFile pFile
>>>> Hint        FUNCTION
>>>> On 30 Aug 2009, at 17:24, Len Morgan wrote:
>>>>> I"m hoping Trevor won't mind me sharing this little snippet of  
>>>>> code:
>>>>> FUNCTION getPathToFile pFile
>>>>> put the filename of this stack into the theFile
>>>>> set the itemdelimiter to slash
>>>>> put pFile into the last item of theFile
>>>>> return theFile
>>>>> end FUNCTION getPathToFile
>>>>> --To use:
>>>>> put getPathFile("My App.exe") into tFile
>>>>> launch tFile
>>>>> That should do it.
>>>>> len morgan
>>>> Ideas?
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Adrian
> -- 
> Phil Davis
> PDS Labs
> Professional Software Development
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