Interesting turn of events

Joe Lewis Wilkins pepetoo at
Sat Nov 28 00:21:58 EST 2009

Hi Jaqi,

Your suggested fixes didn't fix anything. There are actually a number of other things, such as menus that don't work, though the commandkey equivalents for them do. I guess it's pretty obvious that the problem is not superficial and I'll have to spend more time exploring things than I have at my disposal. (sigh!) Actually, when I opened the stack from 3.5, I did it from the File Menu, since I've set 4.0 as the default. BTW, I am using Snow Leopard.

Thanks, once I've figured things out I'll post the cure - or what the problem is/was hopefully. 

Joe Wilkins

On Nov 27, 2009, at 7:49 PM, J. Landman Gay wrote:

> I haven't seen any differences between keydown/keyup events between versions. The most likely reason for loss of key events is that a handler is intercepting them somewhere. Try suspending development tools and see if they work again. Also make sure the Messages button is not bolded in Rev's toolbar; turning off messages will stop many events from being passed to your stack.
> The issue with 3.5 reporting a corrupted stack was a known bug, now fixed in 4.0. Your stack was never corrupted, it was just a glitch which you could work around by opening the stack from the File menu rather than by double-clicking. The bug occured even before 4.0 was available, and the same warning appeared with 3.5 stacks. It was spurious and did not affect or alter the stack in any way. The bug only occured on Snow Leopard machines.

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