Front Scripts Issue

Peter Haworth pete at
Mon Nov 23 00:28:20 EST 2009

I'm having an issue with the use of front scripts that I need some  
advice on.

I have a number of message handers set up as front scripts to carry  
out standard processes on any cards in my stack,things like  
closeField, selectionChanged, etc.  The problem is it appears that  
these scripts are being executed when the events they handle come from  
the Rev IDE, which causes some pretty severe problems.  I'm quite  
surprised that the IDE would pass it's events to my front scripts  
since they are part of my application not the IDE but be that as it  
may, I need to find a way around this issue.

I've made execution of my front script code dependant on the current  
tool being the pointer but that doesn't help when I'm in edit mode to  
modify cards or scripts.

I guess my question is whether there is a better place to put these  
scripts in the message path to avoid them being  called from the IDE,  
or if there is some reliable way to check if the messages they receive  
are coming from my application stacks and not the IDE.

Pete Haworth

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