knowing if a printer is connected

BNig niggemann at
Thu Nov 19 18:45:59 EST 2009


to test this put this applescript into a field 1 and have a field 2 for the

tell application "Printer Setup Utility"
	set tReturn to ""
	set x to name of every printer as list
	repeat with i from 1 to count of items of x
		set tReturn to tReturn & item i of x & tab
		set tReturn to tReturn & item -1 of (properties of printer (item i of x)
as list) & linefeed
	end repeat
	return tReturn
end tell

put this into a button
on mouseUp
   do field 1 as applescript
   put char 2 to - 3 of  the result into field 2 -- gets rid of quotes and
trailing linefeed
end mouseUp
so basically you let applescript return the value/s you are interested in
and you check the result.
The last item of the properties of a printer is the status, it unfortunately
returns idle. At least you get the names of the printers. The current
printer is the default printer.

Peter Brigham MD wrote:
> It returns "idle" in all cases? Are you saying that it doesn't  
> distinguish if the printer is on/connected vs off/disconnected?
> How would I get the contents of the various printer properties from  
> this script into rev variables to test this out? Do I use an 'on  
> appleEvent' handler -- if so, how? Sorry for the naive questions, but  
> I haven't used applescript much.
> -- Peter
> Peter M. Brigham
> pmbrig at

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