arabic script

Richmond Mathewson richmondmathewson at
Wed Nov 18 03:09:02 EST 2009

Monte Goulding wrote:
>>> Hi
>>> I've had a request from a client to investigate doing an arabic 
>>> version of his app. The rev docs say right to left scripts aren't 
>>> supported. Has anyone worked around this?
>>> Cheers
>> Well, how about starting with setting the fontLanguage to "Arabic" ?
> Hmm... I'm just guessing but I think I'd need a work around to handle 
> the fact that right to left scripts aren't supported. At least that's 
> what it says in the docs. As I don't know Arabic I thought asking here 
> might help but perhaps no-one has bumped into this limitation yet?

I'll "have a fiddle around" this afternoon (teaching this morning): no 
promises - but a bit of lateral
thinking sometimes goes a long way.

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