PDF version of dictionary?

Petrides, M.D. Marian mpetrides at earthlink.net
Tue Nov 17 21:33:18 EST 2009

The problem is that I can put a PDF version on my Kindle DX and carry  
it anywhere at very little cost in terms of weight. This is not true  
of the hardcopy version.  I find there are times when I need to have a  
reference book open while programming because trying to read through  
online dox just doesn't do the trick.

 >>>I don't see a pdf offered anywhere.

I didn't either but I hoped I was wrong. Looks like maybe not. :-(

On Nov 17, 2009, at 7:45 PM, stephen barncard wrote:

> I don't see a pdf offered anywhere.
> Don't forget the new ONLINE version of the docs
> http://docs.runrev.com/
> I'm guessing that the engine and IDE change so much over time that  
> they have
> eliminated the PDF format for the *dictionary*, as I imagine it's much
> harder to create a new PDF version for every time there is an  
> update,  as
> opposed to the online (which can always be updated) and distributed  
> versions
> (which are true for the versions that they are connected to).
> I think Rev have a new XML-based docs management system that is all
> integrated, probably now all sourced from same the mother database.  
> At least
> that's the way I would do it. All in all, this I think is a sound  
> strategy,
> nobody wants out-of-date pdfs around to manage, and we need absolutely
> correct definitions.
> -------------------------
> Stephen Barncard
> San Francisco
> http://houseofcubes.com/disco.irev
> 2009/11/17 <runrev260805 at m-r-d.de>
>> Hi,
>> i sent the question about a PDF version of the dictionary to support
>> already some days ago.
>> As soon as i get an answer, i will post it here.
>> Regards,
>> Matthias
>> -------- Original Message --------
>> Subject: PDF version of dictionary? (17-Nov-2009 21:39)
>> From:    Marian Petrides <mpetrides at earthlink.net>
>> To:      runrev260805 at m-r-d.de
>>> Is there a PDF version of the Dictionary for v 4.0 available?  If  
>>> so,
>> where
>>> can I find it?
>>> Also, does anyone know whether the hard copy (print edition) of the
>>> Dictionary that is offered on RunRev's website is for v 4 or some  
>>> earlier
>>> version?  TIA
>>> Marian_______________________________________________
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