On-Rev and PostgreSQL

Pierre Sahores psahores at free.fr
Tue Nov 17 14:44:48 EST 2009

Le 17 nov. 09 à 19:37, Mark Wieder a écrit :
> Good points. Postgresql in particular locks access down to localhost
> by default. You have to modify the .conf files in order to allow
> remote access.

Hi Mark and all,

It's not realy safe to set up a postgreSQL nor MySQL on-rev backend as  
a remote bindable rdbms as long as direct communication with those db  
from the outside world without using an SSL, SHTTP or SSL tunnel will  
be unsecure.

If we need to bind those backends without opening security holes in  
our processes (login/password transfert over the web, even as MD5  
hashes can be dangerous), the best to do is to have the revlet sending  
its requests to an irev script witch will query the rdbms in localhost  
mode and send back the result to the revlet.

As long as i did'nt set any revlet-irev communication process for yet,  
i can't realy be realy helpfull about this part of the recommandation  
but if anyone need some irev-MySQL way to go, i can send some samples.



> -- 
> -Mark Wieder
> mwieder at ahsoftware.net
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Pierre Sahores
mobile : (33) 6 03 95 77 70


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