use-revolution Digest, Vol 74, Issue 28

René Micout rene.micout at
Mon Nov 16 14:01:37 EST 2009

local M1,M2,pointArrivée1,pointArrivée2

on mouseUp
    get the points of grc "RacineTest"
    put line 1 of it into pointDépart1
    put line 2 of it into pointArrivée1
    set the loc of grc "Mèche" to pointDépart1
    put the long ID of grc "Mèche" into M1
    get the points of grc "RacineTest2"
    put line 2 of it into pointArrivée2
    aeMoveTo M1,pointArrivée1,5000
end mouseUp

on aeMoveDone
    aeMoveTo M1,pointArrivée2,5000
end aeMoveDone

I think the "trap" of aeMoveDone is not correct because that don't  
work (the mouseUp work well !)
I wish M1 go on line 2 after finish line 1


Le 16 nov. 09 à 19:49, Malte Pfaff-Brill a écrit :
> syntax is: aeMoveTo long ID of control or stack you want to  
> move,destination x,destination y,duration in millisecs,[easing effect]
> Hope that helps,
> Malte

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