Moving a point above a line

René Micout rene.micout at
Mon Nov 16 07:06:22 EST 2009

Hello, this is my problem :
I have a line (grc "RacineTest2") and a "point" (grc "Mèche")
My goal is to move independently many "points" above many lines... So  
the move command is not a solution because it stop a point during the  
move of another point...
I have test 3 solutions : A = send in x milliseconds, C = wait 0  
milliseconds and command, D = command without wait.
A and C are too slow (the speed must be adjust by a slider : very  
fast, fast, slow, very slow, etc.), D is too fast (movement is  
invisible and not adjustable by slider).

simplificated script (otherwise too long to be post)

global tableaudesPoints

on mouseUp
    < here : creation of an array of all points of grc  
"RacineTest2" (a line) named "tableaudesPoints" >
    put 1 into lePoint
    set the loc of grc "Mèche" to tableaudesPoints[lePoint]
    déplacementMèche lePoint
end mouseUp

on déplacementMèche lePoint
    if the commandkey is down then exit to top
    put lePoint + 1 into lePoint
    set the loc of grc "Mèche" to tableaudesPoints[lePoint]
    -- send "déplacementMèche lePoint,diag" to me in 0 milliseconds  
    -- wait 0 milliseconds -- SOLUTION B
    déplacementMèche lePoint,diag -- SOLUTION C (B+C) / SOLUTION D (C  
end déplacementMèche

Ideas ?

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