Wake up Revolution

J. Landman Gay jacque at hyperactivesw.com
Sun Nov 15 12:01:33 EST 2009

Inselfan wrote:

> Here is what I for example do:
> By pressing a button, which contains:
> on mouseUp
>   set cursor to watch
>   go cd  "Adressliste_Global"
> end mouseUp
> On this Card:
> on preopencard
>   set the visible of btn "weckerli" to false
>   set the visible of fld "Alarmliste" to false
>   lock screen
>   put empty into temp1
>   put empty into temp2
>   put empty into temp3
>   put empty into temp4
>   put empty into temp5
>   put empty into temp6
>   put empty into temp7
>   put empty into temp8
>   put empty into temp9
>   put empty into temp10
>   put empty into temp11
>   put empty into temp12
>   put empty into temp13
>   put empty into temp14
>   put empty into fld "kndnr1"
>   put empty into fld "vorname1"
>   put empty into fld "suchname1"
>   put empty into fld "aktiv1"
>   put empty into fld "kategorie1"
>   put empty into fld "ort1"
>   put empty into fld "burzeltag1"
>   put empty into fld "Telefon1"
>   put empty into fld "Telefon2"
>   put empty into fld "antwort"
>   put empty into fld "phone"
>   unlock screen
> end preopencard
> on opencard 
>   lock screen
>   hide img "up1"
>   hide img "up2"
>   hide img "up3"
>   hide img "up4"
>   hide img "up5"
>   hide img "up6"
>   hide img "up7"
>   hide img "up8"
>   hide img "up9"
>   hide img "down1"
>   hide img "down2"
>   hide img "down3"
>   hide img "down4"
>   hide img "down5"
>   hide img "down6"
>   hide img "down7"
>   hide img "down8"
>   hide img "down9"
>   hide grp "Kategorieauswahl"
>   put "A - Z" into Index
>   put word 1 of fld "v_feld_01" && benutzer into fld "v_feld_01"
>   #zettelkasten  
>   #SetTime
>   #Termine_machen
>   unlock screen
>   focus fld "antwort"
> end opencard

There is nothing here that would cause a slowdown, it should be 
instantaneous. These are very simple commands.

> Yes, if I'm locking messages, it is fast. But what the hell is wrong with
> the script above??

This is a clue. If the handlers run fast with messages locked, that 
means there is another handler somewhere that is taking all the CPU 
time. Often this is caused by a repeat loop that doesn't exit, or some 
other command that does not release control to Rev. Look for other 
stacks that are in use, scripts inserted into the back, plugins that are 
running, or something else that is using CPU time.

Try choosing "suspend development environment" from the Tools menu and 
then run your script. If that works, then check the plugins carefully, 
particularly any third-party plugins you might have installed. If that 
does not work, it means a handler in your stack somewhere is running 
without releasing time to the CPU.

If you would like to send me your stack off-list, I will look at it.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at hyperactivesw.com
HyperActive Software           |     http://www.hyperactivesw.com

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