One day to go . . .

Mark Schonewille m.schonewille at
Tue Nov 10 14:31:39 EST 2009


Although, like you, I often have a hard time seeing bugs not being  
fixed or observing bugs being solved with more bugs as a result, I am  
a little surprised by your complaint about unicode fonts. I just did a  
test with an Arabic text file and I can tell you that it works no  
worse than it does in a regular standalone. At this point, I'm  
optimistic about doing a unicode project for the web in Arabic.

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille

Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering

Download Strõm Flow Chart Software

Op 10 nov 2009, om 20:01 heeft Richmond Mathewson het volgende  

> Well; speaking as somebody who is fairly cheesed-off
> from finding that the non-ability of Unicode fonts to
> work properly with revlets has effectively damaged
> his proposed web-release completely
> [ watch this space for a downloadable standalone shortly ]
> I wonder what will mysteriously have been removed
> this time.
> I for one have learnt a valuable lesson from recent events
> and will try to remember to emulate them:
> If you have a bug delete that capability completely
> instead of making an effort to sort it out.
> I really wonder . . .

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