Problems trying to use SQLite functions in a SELECT statement

Peter Haworth pete at
Tue Nov 10 14:11:23 EST 2009

Some time ago, I experienced problems trying to get revQueryDatabase  
to process a SELECT statement that included the SQLite substr function  
- rev QueryDatabase failed with the ubiquitous "Missing database ot  
SQL error" message.  The same statement, cut and pasted into either  
the Sqlite3 command line tool or the Firefox SQLite Manager extension  
worked perfectly.  At the time I was able to work around the problem  
within my rev code.

I'm now running into the same problem trying to use the SQLite  
group_concat function - revQueryDatabase fails, same statement works  
fine in sqlite3/Firefox extension.  Also tried revDataFromQuery which  
also failed. This time, it will be a major hassle to write code within  
my application to work around this.

It would appear that the rev database handlers cannot deal with  
certain SQlite functions.  Some of the core functions such as max,  
min, round seem to work (haven't tried them all), The date and Time  
functions also seem to work OK.  Even some of the aggregate functions  
(which is where group_concat is listed) such as sum, count, avg work  
OK.   But substr and group_concat definitely cause problems. If that  
is the case it's a major oversight/bug/problem in my opinion.

Has anyone else run into this issue and perhaps found a workaround?  
Would it be possible, for example, to run sqlite3 from within rev,  
pass it the SELECT statement and somehow get the results back?

Pete Haworth

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