The Short/Long Name Of...?

DunbarX at DunbarX at
Mon Nov 9 13:46:40 EST 2009

It is far more a matter of convenience, I think, than any profound 
functional difference.

The short name is just that, a name you give an object, and it is what is 
entered into the name field of the property inspector. It does not have any 
file path or object information.

Beyond that, the more detailed names contain more and more information. I 
suppose we could lose them all but the "long name", which is the most 
inclusive, but it would make script references a bit more cumbsersome:

put "foo" into field yourField
set the textStyle of field yourField to "bold"

as opposed to put "foo" into field yourField of card id whatever of stack 

The short name of the field would be word 2 of the long name of that field, 
and so you could say:

put "foo" into field (word 2 of the long name of field...) and here you 
still need to reference a field, by using a number, id, or somesuch.

More important once you are comfortable with names, is to realize that 
numbers of objects can change, for better or worse, since that is a powerful 
tool sometimes, id's never change, and that is comforting sometimes, and long 
names allow you to get info that might be useful at times.

Craig Newman

In a message dated 11/9/09 1:18:39 PM, davidocoker at writes:

> Been busy reading various forms of Rev documentation and have several 
> times come across a reference of using the short/long names of...(whatever).

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