command enableScrollbarIfNeeded pFldName

Richard Gaskin ambassador at
Fri Nov 6 01:11:00 EST 2009

sims wrote:

> On Nov 6, 2009, at 6:30 AM, Richard Gaskin wrote:
>> sims wrote:
>>> In the dictionary user notes for formattedheight, the word  
>>> "command"  is used where "function" might be used.
>>> Can someone please explain the significance of that to me? Is it   
>>> different from a function?
>> Functionally (all puns intended), "command" is synonymous with "on".
>> "Command" was added to distinguish between message handlers and  
>> commands, though that distinction is stylistic; AFAIK they can be  
>> usdd interchangeably.
> Thanks... I was wondering if I was missing out on some new script  
> goodies there.  ;-)

Possibly one:  have you started using the new "private" keyword?


private function EmpName
   return fld "FirstName" && fld "LastName"
end EmpName

By specifying a command or function as "private" means it can only be 
accessed by other handers in the same script.

This has two benefits:

1. It helps keep some handlers from being called, things like internal 
utility functions in a library stack.

2. Speed:  being available only to the local handler, they trim a fair 
bit of the message-passing overhead.  While the time to call both a 
private and public handler is too small to be noticeable in a single 
call, access time to private handlers benchmark about 30% faster, so for 
frequently-accessed handlers it can be useful.

  Richard Gaskin
  Fourth World
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