How to put unicode text into a field?

Reinhold Venzl-Schubert R.Venzl-Schubert at
Thu Nov 5 12:37:09 EST 2009


Learning polish I want to use unicode text in my stack.

I have a lot of cds with polish vocabularies and now I want to list  
them in a table with this code:

repeat with i = 1 to num of marked cds
   if fld "VocTable" of stack "VocListing" is empty then
     put fld "German" & TAB into fld "VocTable" of stack "VocListing"
     put fld "German" & TAB after fld "VocTable" of stack "VocListing"
   end if
   put fld "Polish" & CR after fld "VocTable" of stack "VocListing"
end repeat

Although in my fields the polish text is well readable in the table  
the special polish letters are transformed to unreadable special  

I studied the stack "Unicode in Revolution: Taming the Beast" by Devin  
but I only found the code:

 > set the unicodeText of fld "VocTable" to the unicodeText of of fld  
"Polish" <

... but the content of my table-field is compound of the contents of  
two or two hundred fields.

Do anybody knows a solution?


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