How to avoid that, when double-clicked, a stack opens with the wrong standalone

Andre.Bisseret Andre.Bisseret at
Tue Nov 3 08:26:32 EST 2009

I just made a splash standalone (say CURRENTAPP). It launches a main  
stack with substacks.
One substack is a model (invoice model) that can be clone to produce  
new stacks (individual invoices) which are completed and saved as  
independant stacks (not substacks) in a particular folder (say "My  

The standalone CURRENTAPP, the main stack and the folder "My invoices"  
are at a same level (in a same folder, currently on the desktop).

When I double click one of these independant stacks  it is opened with  
an old standalone (say OLDAPP) I made 2 years ago and which is located  
in a completely different folder on my disk !!!!
Actually, if I look at the informations pane for these substacks I see  
"open with OLDAPP" !!!

It is the first time I get such a mess and I am completely confused.

What am I doing wrong here ?

Thanks a lot in advance for any help

Best regards from Grenoble


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