How to remove repeating spaces

Mark Schonewille m.schonewille at
Mon Nov 2 18:54:45 EST 2009


put replacetext(fld "Spaces","[ ]+"," ") into fld "Spaces"

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille

Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering

Download Strõm Flow Chart Software

On 3 nov 2009, at 00:51, Bill Vlahos wrote:

> I want to remove repeating spaces in a field. I can write a brute  
> force method but before I do that I'd like to see if someone has  
> already invented this wheel.
> Basically all I want to do is reduce all multiple instances of  
> spaces in a field to a single space. There could be double, triple,  
> or more spaces together and I want to reduce them all to just one.
> I can think of a repeating loop that replaces two spaces with one  
> and just do it until there aren't any more or do a series of  
> replaces four spaces with one, then three spaces with one, then two  
> spaces with one but neither of these seem very elegant.
> Bill Vlahos

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