on-Rev updates.

Alex Tweedly alex at tweedly.net
Sat May 30 19:40:23 EDT 2009

Bill Marriott wrote:
> There has actually been one update to the on-Rev client since launch, 
> which
> added the ability to edit txt, html, and other non-irev text files. There is 
> another one around the corner, features TBA.
Cool - that's what I needed to know. I'll hold off on any development of 
tools to assist me in using the on-rev client until I see this next 
update. And if it doesn't have the features I most want, then it will be 
time to develop them myself.
> We only just launched the service last month!
Yep, and I am pretty happy with it. Just wanted some idea / 
expectation-setting about the likely update frequency.

-- Alex.

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