DataGrid form question

Yves COPPE yvescoppe at
Wed May 27 10:20:50 EDT 2009

> Hi List
> I'm very happy with the datagrid !!!
> I still have a question : about a click on a line of DataGrid Form
> I want to use a "contextual" menu
> I used therefore the follwing script in my popup Btn to know the  
> data of the clickedLine
>  put the dgHilitedLines of group "DataGrid 1" into theLine
>  put the dgDataOfLine[theLine] of group "DataGrid 1" into theDataA
> If I control-click a line,
> it gives me the previous hilitedLine. In fact I have to first click  
> the line to make it "hilited" and then click again with controlKey  
> to have the correct theDataA
> Can you help me ?
> thanks.
> Greetings.
> Yves COPPE
> yvescoppe at

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