Reducing image file sizes

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Tue May 19 21:52:40 EDT 2009

Alex Tweedly wrote:

> I basically agree with the other comments - i.e. that you are stepping 
> into a minefield here, and should think very hard about whether you 
> should do so. 

Yeah, it was a dumb idea and I'm glad I brought it up here. We've 
decided to just recompress the jpgs (which are usually completely 
uncompressed to start with). Even a modest compression seems to save 
megabytes of space. I'll try a few images to see what the best level is. 
Other than that, we won't change anything.

> Back to the original question ....
> I think the info you need is (generally at least) in the jpg file 
> (Google for "EXIF data").  A while ago I wrote a library to extract the 
> EXIF data from jpeg / tiff files.

Oh dear, I forgot all about your library! Sounds like exactly the thing. 
Thanks very much for the nudge.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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