
J. Landman Gay jacque at
Tue May 19 13:47:25 EDT 2009

Tom Cole wrote:

> I have bird watching PLACES as one item. One is called Elliot and Cooper 
> Roads. I've been to that street corner hundreds of times, and since I 
> have seen over 8000 birds there, there are more than 8000 records. I can 
> put all of the records for this street corner at the top of the field 
> (actually the "top" of the variable).
> Elliot and Cooper Roads        FIRST VISIT TO THIS PLACE
> Elliot and Cooper Roads
> Elliot and Cooper Roads
> Elliot and Cooper Roads
> ... thousands more
> ... thousands more
> ... thousands more
> Elliot and Cooper Roads         LAST VISIT TO THIS PLACE
> Other Places
> Other Places
> Other Places
> All I need is have a way to "cut and paste" from the first record for 
> Elliot and Cooper Roads to the last and leave out the rest of the places.

Do you mean you want to set the clipboard from a script? Something like 
this might do it:

  put myBigPlaceList into temp -- make a copy, because we will alter it
  filter temp with "Elliot and Cooper Roads"
  set the clipboardData["text'] to temp

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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