Other stacks opening besides the one selected

Mark Stuart mfstuart at cox.net
Fri May 15 01:05:04 EDT 2009

Written by Kay C Lan on Thu May 14, 2009 - 9:08 PM CDT
If you create a brand new stack, open it's stack script, do the original 4
stacks open in the Application Browser? If you save and restart Rev, open
Stack 1, open a script, is that brand new stack now part of the list of
stacks in the Application Browser?

Ladies and Gentleman, boys and girls. I think I've found out why 'the other
stacks' are opening.
Platform: WinXP
RunRev: 3.5.0-gm-2

First of all. All 4 stacks that were listed in the App Browser were stacks
that I had created.
And they reside in the following folder:

  C:\Program Files\Revolution Studio\

The root installation folder of RunRev.

It seems that this mysterious behavior happens if you have .rev files in
this folder and you open one of these stacks, and then proceed to open the
RunRev script editor. I'm not 100% sure if opening, or not opening the
script editor is responsible for the opening of the other stacks. It maybe
that making/taking some kind of action in the IDE is causing the result.

Now open the Application Browser and see which stacks are listed. 
NOTE: Take note that if you already have the App Browser open, it doesn't
automatically refresh the list when other stacks are opened in this way. You
have to close and reopen it to refresh it.

So I moved these 4 .rev files to another folder then I followed Kay's steps
=== Here's the recipe to duplicate the behavior I've been talking about. ===
Could someone duplicate these steps and reply to the list if the same issue
happens, or not.

Recipe to open stacks that were not selected:
1) Open RunRev
2) Create a stack, and give it a name: Stack1. Save the stack to the folder
referenced above. Close and open RunRev.
3) Create another stack, and give it a name: Stack2. Save it to the same
folder. Close and open RunRev. (closing and reopening RunRev is not really
required where noted, I think. It's just to clear the OS environment)
4) Open Stack1 and check the App Browser. 1 stack listed: Stack1.
5) Now add a push button and name it 'Hello'. Give it a script: answer
"Hello". Close and open RunRev.
6) Do the same for Stack2, add a button: 'Goodbye'. Give it a script: answer
"Goodbye". Close and open RunRev.
Now here's the mystery...
7) Open Stack 1. Right-click on the 'Hello' button and select 'Edit Script'.
Close the script editor.
8) Open the App Browser. How many stacks are listed, and what are their
names? Stack 1 and Stack2?

If this is the case, then please reply to the list now. I need to know.
It would be interesting to know if the same thing happens on other OS

Mark Stuart

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