Ann: JPEGCompress 2.9.5 Beta

Derek Bump userevolution at
Thu May 14 23:16:23 EDT 2009

Hello All,

I've got a beta version of JPEGCompress 2.9.5 that I'm ready to give out
for testing.  This new version incorporates a number of bug fixes from
the previous Windows version, as well as the brand new Macintosh and
Linux versions.

You can download the beta here:

   Windows XP & Vista

   Mac OS X 10.3+


I'm not quite finished with the documentation, the Mac file
associations, and there's a few remaining appearance items to resolve
yet, but for the most part this version is ready.

If anyone finds anything wrong, please let me know off-list so I can
confirm it and resolve it.  Thanks for everyone's help!

Derek Bump
Dreamscape Software

Compress your photos quickly and easily with JPEGCompress 2.9!

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