Gender [was: Re: Cancel a repeat with a button]

Lynn Fredricks lfredricks at
Thu May 14 12:38:19 EDT 2009

> > And here I am going on about var naming conventions. I now 
> propose we 
> > have a user naming convention as in mJim and fJacque for male or 
> > female. ;-)
> I used to use plain "Jacque" in my signature, and everyone 
> thought I was a man, which is the primary reason I changed it 
> to "Jacqueline". This was way back in the days of bulletin 
> boards, before the web was invented, and it was interesting 
> to see how people's responses changed when they found out I 
> was female. At the time, women programmers were almost 
> unheard of. I let them think I was male for almost a year 
> before I dropped the bomb. The double-takes were amusing.

I completely understand :-)

Best regards,

Lynn Fredricks
Paradigma Software

Valentina SQL Server: The Ultra-fast, Royalty Free Database Server 

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