LibURL Puzzlement

Dave Cragg dave.cragg at
Wed May 13 08:23:08 EDT 2009

On 12 May 2009, at 22:04, Tereza Snyder wrote:

> I tried:
>     get libUrlFtpCommand( pCmd, the uServer of me, the uUser of me,  
> the uPasswd of me )
> where pCmd is "LIST" or "NLIST" or "NLST" or "LS" and all yield  
> error messages.

I know you got an answer to how to get a directory listing. But just  
for information, libUrlFtpCommand only handles commands that use the  
ftp "command socket". While LIST and NLIST are initially sent over the  
command socket, to complete they require an additional "data socket"  
that handles the actual transfer of data. That in turn requires some  
further commands to be sent, as well as opening a data socket to read  
from. It quickly gets very messy. Best to use a simple "get url" for  


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