revOnLine upLoad problem

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Tue May 12 14:35:55 EDT 2009

DunbarX at wrote:
> Jacques:
> I had successfully uploaded before. I just tried to upload a newer version, 
> so I deleted the old one. I am in v3.5.
> My stack did not have the "cREVonLine" custom property, so I could not 
> remove it. I added the property and set it to "false". Clever, eh? But still no 
> dice. ANY other stack I try works just fine. The one I want to upload runs 
> into a wall.

You can't set it or create it yourself, it needs to be created by the 
Rev server (so remove yours.) Also note that it isn't a single custom 
property, it's a whole property set. Sets are listed in the second 
(lower) popup menu. And because it is a Rev IDE set, you won't see it if 
you don't have View Revolution UI Elements in Lists turned on.

That said, about a year or two ago I couldn't re-upload a stack either, 
and even after doing all the above, it still didn't work. But it's been 
successful on other stacks, so it's worth a try.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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