Character encoding is driving me insane

Mark Schonewille m.schonewille at
Tue May 12 08:27:19 EDT 2009

Hi Fredrik,

When you're using unicode, you need to use the unicodeText properties  
all the time. Instead of putting a field into a variable, you do this:

put the unicodeText of fld "importedData" into tData

The problem now is that tData is not plain text. If all characters in  
your text can be converted to ASCII characters, you may convert your  
UTF8 stream to plain text:

put unidecode(uniencode(tFile,"UTF8"),"English") into tData

Let us know whether this works for you.

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille

Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering
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On 12 mei 2009, at 13:55, Fredrik Andersson wrote:

> Hi there,
> I'm writing a small application that's supposed to keep track of  
> different tasks for certain people at work. I'm using a datagrid to  
> present the data and simple text files for storage. The problem is  
> that I tend to lose the characters åäö and ÅÄÖ (which we use a lot  
> here in Sweden).
> At first I simply loaded a tab-delimited file into the dgText of the  
> datagrid but that didn't work.
> After searching around on the forums/mailing list I found some code  
> for handling UTF-encoded text and thus I changed the "Open file"- 
> code to something like this:
> set the unicodetext of fld "importedData" of card "Data" to   
> uniencode(tFile,"UTF8")
>    put the fld "importedData" of card "Data" into tData
> And then I set the dgText to tData. This worked fine until I started  
> messing around with making some columns into presenting calculated  
> values only. Since I didn't need to save the data in those columns  
> to any file I started using the dgData-property to only save & load  
> specific fields instead.
> The problem is that now I lose my special characters. They simply do  
> not appear in the text. They're still there in the text file, just  
> not in the "importedData"-field and thus neither in the datagrid. I  
> have no idea why my first solution suddenly stopped working. The  
> text file is in the "UTF-8"-format.
> Does anyone out there have any good ideas of how to work with text  
> with special characters? Or perhaps you can point me toward a  
> previous thread with useful info. Right now I know nothing about  
> character encoding except that they make my life more difficult..  
> sigh.
> Thanks,
> Fredrik Andersson

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