Newbie... Strict Compilation mode

Mark Wieder mwieder at
Sat May 9 20:42:36 EDT 2009


Saturday, May 9, 2009, 5:16:10 PM, you wrote:

> The advantage is that if yuor tipyng is as dab as nime tehn oyur erorrs
> teg caugth soneer :-)

Would that it worked that way. But if you type

put 42 into myVarr

instead of

put 42 into myVar

then rev will happily create a new variable for you at compile time
and runtime and leave you to your own devices to find why your code
isn't running the way you *know* it should.

With Strict Compilation you'll know *before* you get into trouble.

-Mark Wieder
 mwieder at

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