Newbie question - Set the cursor to....

Joe Lewis Wilkins pepetoo at
Fri May 8 17:17:51 EDT 2009


As the most useful tip I can think of for someone NOT familiar with  
HC, learn to use the messageBox, which you may display by clicking on  
the third icon from the left in the Rev Toolbar. It allows you to test  
bits of code without having to do a lot of development. Importantly,  
it has two modes: a single line and a multi-line. Anytime you wonder  
if you have something that may work, test it in the messageBox. With  
the multi-line mode you can test some pretty advanced scripts. It was  
one of the very best features brought over to Rev from HC. It is  
always available when working in the IDE.


Joe Wilkins

On May 8, 2009, at 1:56 PM, Stephen Cox wrote:

> I’m gonna preface [the subject] all my questions with “Newbie” so  
> those who
> have no interest in nubs can move on. Trust, I know it can be  
> painful. ;)
> I got a card. With a label or button. I want to change the cursor of  
> the
> mouse to a hand then back to arrow when the user moves on/off the  
> object.
> on mouseEnter
>    set the cursor to hand
> end mouseEnter
> on mouseLeave
>   set the cursor to arrow
> end mouseLeave
> The above should work? Or am I missing something about the cursor  
> command? I
> placed a breakpoint and followed the code. It fires, just doesn’t  
> change the
> cursor.
> Maybe I’m using mouseEnter/mouseLeave incorrectly?
> Thanks for any info.
> -Stephen Cox

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