Newbie question - Set the cursor to....

Stephen Cox stephen at
Fri May 8 16:56:54 EDT 2009

I¹m gonna preface [the subject] all my questions with ³Newbie² so those who
have no interest in nubs can move on. Trust, I know it can be painful. ;)

I got a card. With a label or button. I want to change the cursor of the
mouse to a hand then back to arrow when the user moves on/off the object.

on mouseEnter
    set the cursor to hand
end mouseEnter

on mouseLeave
   set the cursor to arrow
end mouseLeave

The above should work? Or am I missing something about the cursor command? I
placed a breakpoint and followed the code. It fires, just doesn¹t change the

Maybe I¹m using mouseEnter/mouseLeave incorrectly?

Thanks for any info.

-Stephen Cox

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