Newbie question - how to check for a varible

Joe Lewis Wilkins pepetoo at
Fri May 8 02:35:00 EDT 2009


Without even checking, since it's the way it would be done in HC, just  

if tUsername is empty then ....

if tUsername exists then ...

You were already there. Didn't you check these out in the messagebox?

Joe Wilkins

On May 7, 2009, at 11:25 PM, Stephen Cox wrote:

> Really two questions:
> How do I check if a variable is empty? Sort of like;
> If !empty(tUsername)
>    // process here
> Endif
> Empty() is a Foxpro function that pops if what you are checking is  
> empty. I
> can’t seem to find it’s equivalent in revolution. Am I approaching  
> this the
> wrong way? And can I check fields the same way?
> I suppose I could create an empty variable and just compare the 2?  
> But is
> there an easier way?
> Next question; checking the existence of a variable? Now I know I  
> can turn
> on Strict Compilation (and I have) but I’d rather have the assurance  
> of
> checking to see if a variable exist? Is this a non-issue in  
> Revolution?
> Thanks
> -Stephen Cox

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