OT: shell access in on-rev - please do not complain anymore

runrev260805 at m-r-d.de runrev260805 at m-r-d.de
Mon May 4 09:47:42 EDT 2009


i do not know, what web hosting does mean in the other countries.
But if i buy a web hosting package here in germany, then it is normal, that i do not get full shell access.
If i want full control of the server including shell access i have to purchase a server or a virtual server package.
On-rev offers lot more than normal web hosting. So i cannot understand why so many people are complaining about the 
missing shell access. Btw. before purchasing on-rev everyone can see the feature chart of on-rev. There is nothing to
read about shell access.
Okay, if there would be the possibility to use some command line tools like magick this would be fine.
But i, for one, want a system, which is not vulnerable because everyone gets (full) shell access.

Sorry, but i am just in a bad temper at the moment and i am sick of reading messages complaining about a missing feature 
which was even not promised by Runrev.

I do not know how much you pay for other web hosting packages, but with the on-rev founder offer i can spent about 130,- Euros a month.



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