Save Data to stack inside Standalone - Broken?

Sivakatirswami katir at
Sun May 3 00:46:40 EDT 2009

I know this has been asked and answered but I thought for sure if you 
put a stack inside a standalone, separate from the standalone, that you 
could save data in that stack.

I made the usual standalone splash loader that boots an adjacent stack 
then hides itself
         MahaLexiconLoader # the stand alone launcher-splash screen

I could have sworn that last year using an early version of Rev that in 
this contect if the stack "lexicon.rev" has a handler such as:

on opencard
   save this stack
end opencard

and the user writes data to fields, then the data would be saved as he 
moves to a new card.

And Sarah Reichelt's RevJournal article (circa 2005) says:

"In the screen shot above, you can see that I have a single stack file 
called "appSplash.rev". This contains 6 stacks: the appSplash stack and 
5 other sub-stacks. After building the standalone as described, the 
appSplash stack will not be writable but the other 5 stacks can all be 
changed and saved as you need."

But, it appears not to work today... if I move the stack out of my stand 
alone, then data is saved. if I move it back into the standalone, data 
cannot be saved therein.  I hope I'm missing something simple and that 
this model for saving data is not broken.

and side question: what is our best tool these days to dig the mailing 
lists? I used Google...


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