Dumb Newbie Questions -- 1 of N

Mark Swindell mdswindell at cruzio.com
Sat May 2 15:43:04 EDT 2009

Dang, you're good, Jacqueline.

On May 2, 2009, at 9:47 AM, J. Landman Gay wrote:

> Richmond Mathewson wrote:
>> The ONLY problem is that something named 'property' is something  
>> that can be
>> contained rather than be a property: so, either, somebody has to  
>> cook up a new
>> name for 'custom properties' (err . . . 'custom thingy' . . .  
>> err . . . come on, somebody
>> can do better than that), or, somebody has to write a fairly long  
>> bit about how
>> users have to do mental backflips.
> I don't think the shoe has dropped for you yet. *All* properties  
> contain something, and all are assigned to a specific object (the  
> assignment is what you are calling "contained by", which probably  
> isn't exactly the right concept.) Every native property has both a  
> name and a value, and is attached to an object. Custom properties  
> are no different. The native property called "name" contains a  
> string like "myName" and is assigned to the object that has that  
> name. The property "textColor" contains an RGB value and is assigned  
> to a button or field you are asking about. The property "location"  
> contains a set of 2 numbers and is assigned to the object at that  
> location. The property "myCustomProp" contains whatever value you  
> want to give it and is assigned to any object you choose.
> There is no practical difference, and all are properties. The only  
> thing that is effectively different is that you can invent your own  
> property names, assign them to an object of your choice, and fill  
> them with any value you want to store.
> It really is simpler than you're trying to make it. :)
> -- 
> Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at hyperactivesw.com
> HyperActive Software           |     http://www.hyperactivesw.com
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