rev dictionary blocked

François Chaplais francois.chaplais at
Sat May 2 04:22:05 EDT 2009

> something seems to be broken with version 3.5. using my dict stack  
> (and your own bvgdocu); the dictionnary stacks were created but  
> "parentscript" could not be found; although it appears in  
> revolution's dictionnay. In bvgdocu, there lacks a link between the  
> index entry "parentscript property" and the appropriate doc.
> Best,
> 	François
actually I did a spotlight search for "parentscript" and found a  
couple of XML files. In my stack (which use Björke's library),  
"parentscript property" point to "behavior property"; "parentscript"  
sits there as a synonym.
Also, correct me if I am wrong, but there does not seem to be any  
entry with "datagrid" in it. Will this be for a next update?

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