Dumb Newbie Questions -- 1 of N

Judy Perry jperryl at ecs.fullerton.edu
Fri May 1 21:33:19 EDT 2009


You assume I know more than I do ;-)  And you know what happens when you 


Still, points well taken.


On Sat, 2 May 2009, Kay C Lan wrote:

> You can't see the raw htmlText of a field, but if you can get your head
> around how that magic works you should find custom properties a lot easier
> to work with because you can look at them and see exactly what they are.
> You can get and set the text of field 1 (inbuilt and visible in the PI)
> You can get and set the htmlText of  field 1 (inbuilt but not visible as raw
> html in the PI)
> You could create the xmlText of field 1
> You could create the csvText of field 1
> You could create the englishText of field 1
> You could create the latinText of field 1
> The last four cases would be visible in the PI and could be edited from
> within the PI (unlike the htmlText), they are very real, and if you fill
> them with the complete works of William Shakespear, they'll take up a lot of
> space.
> With enlishText/latinText, you could, depending on user interaction, display
> the text as is:
> set the text of field 1 to the latinText of field 1
> Or, in the case of xmlText/csvText, parse the text before displaying it,
> much like the Engine currently does for htmlText
> put the csvText of field 1 into tempStore
> replace comma with tab in tempStore
> set the text of field 1 to tempStore
> Again, when your Ah Ha moment comes you'll know exactly what custom
> properties are, how to work with them, how to see their contents,
> everything, because you have already been working with the magic of
> properties and the PI for a very long time. The only magic you don't
> understand right now is what you are doing right now that could be done with
> custom properties.
> My analogy for custom properties is they are like properties that you don't
> know exist. Take the defaultMenubar for instance. You could spend years
> makeing the exact same menubar for all your MainStacks and subStacks. It
> works for you, they are real, you know how to amend them - it's a lot of
> work in you need to add a menu item to the menuBar of 7 substacks.
> When someone tells you that there's a property 'the defaultMenubar' which
> allows you to build one menuBar and have it appear for any substack you know
> you can use that to your advantage, you know how to use it because you've
> used other properties. You'll also wish someone told you about it  years ago
> ;-)

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