mime type for revolution stack? (for "go stack URL")

Josh Mellicker josh at dvcreators.net
Fri May 1 18:24:08 EDT 2009

Weird, it just started working.

On May 1, 2009, at 3:06 PM, Josh Mellicker wrote:

> When trying "go stack URL" with our main server (Apache), we get  
> either:
> stack is too new
> or
> stack is corrupted, check for ~ backup file
> Yet when we try our test server (Dreamhost) with the same stack it  
> works fine. I assume this is because Dreamhost has a mime type  
> configured for files with the ".rev" extension?
> Does anyone know what to put in the server mime types for Revolution  
> stacks so that "go stack URL" will work?
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