data grid code (what is wrong with this?) <etc>

Sadhu Nadesan sadhu at
Fri May 1 17:10:31 EDT 2009

Not sure what is up here, but suddenly a bunch of messages I posted
weeks ago (circa April 7th) have just shown up?

The problems were all solved.  The beta app is up and running and
users are testing and utilizing it.

The demo Wednesday of the working product went very well  (and it was
a chuckle to hear at corporate HQ how the Java guys are struggling
with getting some kind of Excel like object working in their stuff,
using Swing, and tearing hair).  Grin.

The users got everything they asked for - and of course, immediately
saw what new additional features they wanted!  Isn't that what's it's
all about?  Actually seeing something working helps them to know what
they really want.  Software is never done.

The CFO was impressed too.

Thanks again to all who helped me, and sorry for the old emails
hitting the list today.


 > use-revolution-request at wrote:
 >  )
 > 2. data grid continued (Sadhunathan Nadesan)
 > 3. Re: data grid code (what is wrong with this?) (Sadhunathan Nadesan)
 > 5. Re: sample data grid code (Sadhunathan Nadesan)
 > 6. OT, shopping (Sadhunathan Nadesan)
 > 7. shopping (Sadhunathan Nadesan)
 > 8. shopping (Sadhunathan Nadesan)
 > 9. shopping (Sadhunathan Nadesan)
 > 10. Re: data grid code (color) (Sadhunathan Nadesan)
 > 11. Re: data grid code (color) (Sadhunathan Nadesan)
 > 12. Re: data grid code (color) (Sadhunathan Nadesan)

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